There is a new shop in the Waikoloa Highlands Shopping Center in Waikoloa Village, Tuesdays. Whether you are a wine enthusiast or a beginner, you need to check them out. From the moment I walked in the door I knew this was not your average store. This is a place that is all about the […]

January 3, 2023

Welcome Tuesdays Wine, Spirits and Beer Shop to Waikoloa Village

Anyone that knows me knows that I love animals. I am that person that will stop in the middle of a sentence if I see a cute critter. Just ask my friend and colleague Teri Takata who recently admitted to me that she will purposely steer me in the opposite direction of an animal if she happens […]

December 27, 2022

Fun D.I.Y Healthy Dog Treats

Sixteen years ago when my family and I decided to move here, we knew that it would be a big life change. Moving from Maine, we knew some things were pretty evident such as not having to plan extra time to brush snow off of our cars in the winter, pay to heat our home, […]

December 23, 2022

Surprising Things I Have Learned Since Moving to Hawai’i